Prep for a relaxing return

By the end of October we will have spent each weekend of the month in a different state, meaning only one has been spent at home. We spent the first weekend in Vermont with my parents, sister, and dogs - visiting old friends, and my dad and grandmother’s old neighborhoods. Last weekend, we visited Rhode Island for Ryan’s birthday, and this coming weekend, we’ll be celebrating a wedding in New York.

In the past when traveling, I would try to get the entire house in order before leaving so that all that’s left to do upon returning is order takeout, shower, and crawl into a bed made with clean sheets. Unfortunately, I haven’t been so prepared these past two trips, and since the weekends are usually spent doing a reset of mind, body, and home, I have fallen behind on lots of household chores. As the Fall is just a ramp up to the peak season of work and craziness of the holidays, I’m going to try to do a little each day this week to make the return from our final trip of October as relaxed as possible. There is nothing better than coming home from a trip to a clean and tidy house!

I’m using this entry to create a list of everything I’d like to get done before future trips, so I can refer back to it easily. I’ve ordered it by priority. High priority items are things I absolutely want/need to do, low priority items are things that would be nice to do.

Highest priority:

  • Wash bedding - sheets, comforter cover, pillow cases. There is nothing better than getting into fresh sheets after spending time away from your own bed.

  • Wash and fold towels. Like bedding, nothing better than wrapping yourself in a perfectly fresh towel for the first post-shower trip.

  • Wash, dry, and put away all dishes.

  • Clean the litter box.

  • Water the plants.

  • Take out all trash and recycling (do this very last!!)

Medium priority:

  • Do all clothing laundry so you have fresh clothes when returning the trip, and can toss the trip clothes right into the hamper.

  • Quick fridge clear out of anything that will perish while away.

  • Ryan’s tip: Stock the cabinets with some snacks for when we get home.

  • Vacuum the house, and empty the Roomba dust bin so it can run once while we’re gone.

  • Clean kitchen.

  • Quickly test smoke/carbon monoxide/gas alarms.

Low priority:

  • Clean the bathroom.

  • Dust.

Nice to do:

  • Set up security/kitty camera. (Since we’ve been leaving the cats home and having a family member take care of them while we’ve been away, it’s nice to be able to check on them in between their meals.)

On top of packing for the actual trip, cleaning house may feel unnecessary, but I hate returning to a messy home and needing to jump right back into chores. Being away is good, but being home is the best, especially when home welcomes you with fresh sheets and asks nothing immediately of you other than to sit back and relax.


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