Back in the swing

I had grand plans for some entries documenting our contribution to Thanksgiving dinner (stuffed mushrooms and a cranberry tart), but because I was running behind on Thanksgiving day, taking pictures of the process took the back burner. Since then, Christmas shopping, getting our apartment ready for holiday visitors, and two week long (and counting) debilitating back pain has prevented me from doing as much cooking and writing as I wanted to. But I’m getting back in the swing!

Here’s a little bit of everything from the last three weeks…

My Nana’s stuffed mushroom recipe that we made for Thanksgiving…

…The “recipe” will be documented in a future entry. Recipe is in quotes because it’s really just a list of ingredients with no other specifications.

Our first married Thanksgiving in our first apartment with our Blueberry and Piper.

Piper in a boat and tote.

A braised beans dinner with my family.

My parent’s birthday gift to me!

Seeing this artist paint this shop mural for the holidays made me so nostalgic.

We hung a mirror above our bar cabinet! One step closer to completing this corner.

Drank a cup of tea out of one of my Nana’s old mugs, and missed her extra.

Went on lots of walk at the wild life center, grateful for each other and looking forward to the holidays!




Scones with Clotted Cream