Another HBH recipe and gratitude for New Jersey

Last week’s recipe of the week was another Half Baked Harvest Everyday recipe. We were invited to my best friend’s home for a Sunday roast (which was truly incredible), and I wanted to bring some dessert. I needed to find a recipe that was both gluten free and dairy free, so the Lemon Tart with Vanilla Sugar was perfect. While this recipe does call for condensed milk, it was easy to substitute for coconut condensed milk.

I am realizing that I took zero pictures of the process or result, but I’m not going to let that hold me back from documenting that I did indeed make it Instead, here are some photos of something that I didn’t make - the beautiful dinner that our dear Sam and Terri made for us.

I’m so grateful to have friends that are a home away from home (and love food as much as we do). This weekend, we were surrounded by people that remind Ryan and I why we’re so grateful to have landed back in New Jersey, despite it being a place we thought we’d never live in again. In reality, New Jersey is filled with some of the people that mean the most to us, and provides us with an easy launching pad to visit those that live further away.

Since being home in New Jersey, our weekends have been filled with our family, friends, and good food, and while we don’t know exactly where we’ll be in the next few years, I have a feeling it won’t be too far from here.


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